Thursday, February 24, 2011


This week at the office was really slow. Monday was President's day- the office was closed.

I was excited to go in on Tuesday because I was going to help some of the clients with job placements. My team helps create resumes for clients and apply to jobs for them. We also have job readiness and financial literacy training programs for the clients.

So I go in on Tuesday expecting a full day; but it was so slow. Clients for some reason did not come in and there were a number of openings that came up. On a positive note, one of the clients got a job on tuesday- yay!!!!!

Hopefully, things would pick up on Monday.

Ma'assalama (bye bye)- I'm getting there :)


Ms. Twinkle


Anybody ever read Enid Blyton series? Remember Mr. Twinkle?  Reader's digest version- Mr Twinkle is a character in Enid Blyton series who is a scatterbrained and forgetful, e.g. he has his hat on his head and would still search everywhere for it. Ok so I had a Mr. Twinkle moment this week.

Funny(maybe not) but here we go....

I saw Anne's post... I was excited and I wanted to reply... Easy right!

I tried to log in and bingo... wrong password. I'm like my password cannot be wrong, I tried to reset my password... no luck. So I give it a rest. I tried again yesterday.. same thing. I'm thinking, I can't forget my username is right.... I am TOOOOO SURE of my password... and then it hit me, I was typing the wrong username...

So I'm back  and good to go

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Welcome to deda's desk and thanks for dropping by....

This blog captures my experience(s) as an intern with the International Rescue Committee in Phoenix -getting the internship is another story all together (that will come later). IRC helps resettle refugees that come into the United States and the organization is doing a very good job. I work in the Community and Economic Development team. I am not kidding when I say that's a great team... that team has it all together..

Join me as I make new friends, learn new languauges (I think -read hope- that by May I would be able to speak Karenni, Farsi, Arabic, Somali, Burmese, and Spanish - good luck with that!), and expand my skills set as I "build" a better me.

So here we are.. When you drop by again please say hi.

Until next time... ihasta luego...

